"Curiosity killed the cat," says the proverb. Which just goes to show that we should be wary of proverbs. They lie as often as politicians. Curiosity is one of the greatest qualities. It is the engine that drives us forward, further and higher.  We must try everything, explore everything. Writing, photography, video, infography ... Whatever the medium, it is essential to express and share ...


... to feed each other and satisfy our curiosity. Enjoy!

en cours

en cours



Read more: Ivresses

© All texts and images are protected by copyright. No use is permitted without prior agreement of the author.

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« La curiosité est un vilain défaut », dit le proverbe. Comme quoi il faut se méfier des proverbes. Ils mentent aussi souvent que les hommes politiques. La curiosité est l’une des plus grandes qualités. Elle est le moteur qui nous pousse en avant, toujours plus loin, toujours plus haut. Il faut tout essayer, tout explorer. L’écriture, la photo, la vidéo, l’infographisme… Quel que soit le moyen d’expression, il est essentiel de s’exprimer et de partager...

… pour se nourrir les uns les autres et rassasier nos curiosités. Bonne découverte !

© Tous les textes et images contenus sur ce site sont protégés par un copyright. Aucune utilisation n'est autorisée sans accord préalable de l'auteur.


"Curiosity killed the cat" says the proverb. Which just goes to show that we should be wary of proverbs. They lie as often as politicians. Curiosity is one of the greatest qualities. It is the engine that drives us forward, further and higher. We must try everything, explore everything. Writing, photography, video, graphic design... Whatever the medium, it is essential to express and share...

... to feed each other and satisfy our curiosity. Enjoy!

© All texts and images are protected by copyright. No use is permitted without prior agreement of the author.