The path of Human race

There are moments in my life that I feel that everything is done for a purpose. Everything has one objective. The goals are different. They differ in size (large, small) in characteristics (personal, national, worldwide, etc.) but also in quality (good goals, bad goals, visions, and other intrigues and many many more). Where to go reeee ... Wake up foolish .... To shake this crust of stupidity thar covers us. As a versatile plastic cell by GEL.


As the lap of the mother which gives the illusion of safety. Hey you wake reeeee ..... Remember all the goals you've set in your life. Take a minute to remember them better. Usually easier to come the ones we achieved. The others we do forget them easier. Of course when we remember those accomplished, we get on this personal sense of triumph that we did it, we are capable for anything, we are invincible. We achieved the impossible, we have transcended ourselves, WE  RIPPED UP EVERYTHING. If I speak for all of us , if I categorize us in one group, everyone, all the objectives that serve any purpose, even those few that are good and polite, all actions taken to serve all human aims and objectives have the most negative effect on all aspects of life on earth. We own the full responsibility for that, greater than all other generations previous and future ones. The reason is another great topic. But in my mind the only thing that wanders right now is ONE. A phrase that goes around the orbit of the planet like a huge billboard. "WE HAVE NO LUCK." We have really reached the point where nothing and nobody alone can change that situation; Do we have surpassed this point; I really do not know. What I know though is that all our objectives, small and great, personal and collective is my point of view for the PATH of Human race. Which like the word implies has one direction. Nothingness. This leads to the destruction of our existence and today's globalized goal is very simple and very real to get into nothingness as many as we can with us.