Planet Lotto

Planet Lotto.

There is an approach that essentially is pressenting humans as the universal Gastone (the lucky comic, cousin of Donald Duck). If we think a little bit further on this at the same time we can describe our spiece as the most ungrateful and destructive living organism ever existed. If we go a step further by using a little bit of statistics we can come up with a simple question.  What were really the odds for each one of us (not only humans but every living entity) to exist. To feel the divine gift of birth, to breath. What are the odds, really can you think? Think about the universe and its greatness. Each and every one of the living organisms on this planet should be middlenamed Gastone.

The conditions like planet earth are unique for life. The odds for me to be here now and writing this down are infinitesimal and because time in such scale is also very big I am thinking that each one of us existed on this planet should be equalized as a winner of a millenium LOTERY. Now think of every human person living on this planet. Member of the dominant human race that rules all other species. Well the people are more lucky of all Gastone existed. Lucky enough when a meteor rain destroyed all the other dominant species (like dinosaurus). Whow incredible. An intergallactic lottery and bang!! Man is the winner. If luck was a person and could see our evolvement today probably would have committed suicide. Every single day, every single moment we prove it.

One of the main arguments though for the above text and its main idea is the certainty that not everybody on this planet can feel or think this way. The priorities change according to whom we reffering. To the status of his life. This it our greatest stupidity which everyone agrees that is wrong and does almost nothng about it. On the contrary we do almost everything to preserve this different life status inequalities because all of us think that there is somewhere someone living a worst life than we are so, we must keep away from him and his status fearing that we might be infected. HA!!

Different priorities. More specific there is no relation between the priorities of a multibillioner super whow industrialist and a impoverished mother who can not provide even food for her starving child. Both of them exist and both of them know about each others existence. If even for one moment every day everybody could realize the ultimate gift - intergalactic lottery - that has been given to all of us then then the future of this planet and the upcoming generations would have been completely different.