This is the place that Digital Core is blogging.

His blog posts are mostly come out of the colissions created every day in the his two different dimensions - the physical and the digital one.

The posts are always interpret his beliefs on what is happening, what is going on.

Planet Lotto

Planet Lotto.

There is an approach that essentially is pressenting humans as the universal Gastone (the lucky comic, cousin of Donald Duck). If we think a little bit further on this at the same time we can describe our spiece as the most ungrateful and destructive living organism ever existed. If we go a step further by using a little bit of statistics we can come up with a simple question.  What were really the odds for each one of us (not only humans but every living entity) to exist. To feel the divine gift of birth, to breath. What are the odds, really can you think? Think about the universe and its greatness. Each and every one of the living organisms on this planet should be middlenamed Gastone.

Read more: Planet Lotto